| Feature Bruce Clay's 2015 Predictions for the SEO Industry Author: Bruce Clay | | Since 2006, Bruce has posted annual predictions of what he expects will jostle the Internet marketing industry in the year to come. What follows are 9 predictions by Bruce Clay on mobile, local, video, voice search, and shifts in the Internet's dominant players. Bruce's predictions build on the following: - Mobile use has surged to 50 percent of U.S. Internet access. Bruce predicts mobile results satisfaction will become the search engines' priority, and the battleground for Bing and Google's search market share showdown.
- Local results will be the next page-one real estate that search engines look to monetize. Expect enhancements to local listings such as coupons and photos ━ for a fee.
- Google will introduce an e-commerce product or platform to strengthen consumer use of Google for product searches, as Amazon threatens Google's PPC revenue. For more on how and why this all happens and the big picture that ties it all together, read Bruce's 2015 Predictions for the SEO Industry.
Read More | | Back to Basics 6 Mobile-Friendly Navigation Best Practices Author: Chelsea Adams | | Is your website ready for the imminent mobile-friendly ranking factor? In this week's Back to Basics we use eight big-brand mobile navigation examples to show you how to design a mobile-friendly navigation that makes life easy for users and search engines. Follow Joe, our model mobile user, as his efforts to make a purchase from the backseat of a taxi teach us six valuable lessons about mobile navigation design, including: - Why the order of your navigation matters and what to include first
- Why it's better to keep it short, and how short is short enough
- How to choose fonts and colors that make reading on a tiny screen easy
- What font size Google recommends you use
- The nuance of touch design, and why there's more to it than just slapping on some big buttons
- How taking an active interest in your consumer's multi-screen behavior can help you design a navigation that aids task completion
Read More | | We're Hiring Top SEO Talent
| | The name Bruce Clay is synonymous with SEO, and we are offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work with the man himself and become a valuable member of our consulting team. We are on the hunt for a talented, energetic and experienced senior SEO analyst to work in our main offices in Southern California. Interested candidates with at least 5 years of experience should apply through LinkedIn. | | How to Design a 404 Error Page that Saves a Sale How the FTC's New Disclosure Ruling Affects Social Media Marketers Drive Social, Spike Traffic: Social Media's Effect on SEO Connect with us: |
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