Wednesday, July 27, 2011

EzSEO Newsletter # 315


EzSEO Newsletter # 315
Andy Williams


IMPORTANT: You are receiving this email because you 0pted in to it.
If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click on the
unsubscribe link at the end, and you will not get it again.

In this issue:

1. Wordpress Nofollow Header Menus

2. Alternative to Google Wonder Wheel?

3. KeyNote - an open source free organiser tool

4. Web Content Studio News

5. My Insider's Course Update

Hi Peter

If you used Google's wonderwheel to help come up with ideas for
your site structure, you might be wondering what you can do now
Google have removed it. I have a couple of alternatives that are
also Google tools, plus a tutorial on making worpdress menu items
nofollow and much more.

You can read this issue online here:

(You may need to copy and paste the whole URL into your browser).
Any problems, just go to:

.. and follow the link to issue #315.

As always, you can leave your comments and thoughts at the bottom
of that page.

all the best

Andy Williams

Visit the subscriber Bonus page for reports and other

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please recommend it to your
friends. Also if you have any tips of your own, questions or
comments, please leave a comment at the online version of this

Any tips or questions & answers I print in this newsletter will
also be put up on the web version of the newsletter with a link to
your site if you want it. That's extra free traffic for your site
as well as an incoming link to your site.

The products reviewed in this newsletter are often affiliate
products, and as such, if you buy through my link, I may receive a

The contents of this newsletter is copyright 2010 Andrew Williams.
If you want to republish any of the articles, you must get
permission from the author.

This newsletter disclaims all responsibility for the advertising
copy or the product advertised. You cannot rely on the fact that
the newsletter has examined the product or recommends or endorses
the product, unless it clearly says that it has, when you make your
decision whether or not to purchase the product or interact with
the advertiser. You are advised to do your own investigation before


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38410 Los Realejos

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

IMS #204 - Your Lawyer Called, Now What? - July 21 2011

Internet Marketing Secrets
IMS #204 - July 21 2011
Your Lawyer Called, Now What?


In this Edition of IMS:
* Ultimate Heatmap Update
* Goobert Goes Underground
* Your Lawyer Called, Now What?

- - - - -

Ultimate Heatmap Update

I've received dozens of email, asking when
our Wordpress theme is going to be ready.
Here is a 'catch all' reply from the blog,
that I hope will explain what we're up to.

"We've had to be very patient with
software developers. We have a vision of
what we're trying to achieve. Rather than
just be a series of CSS templates, we are
creating an entire advertising and testing
platform built around WordPress."

"To speed up the process, Amit Savyon
and I have brought Mike Marshall on board.
He's widely known as one of the best SEO
teachers / technicians in the world today,
but he's also an amazing programmer.
So with his help, I'm hoping that our
software will be ready to 'roll out to the
beta testers' within a few weeks."

Read about Mike's SEO software here:

In sum, yes... I'm totally focused and
committed to getting this project shipped.
You can keep updated on current
developments here on the UHM blog.

UHM Blog:

- - - - -

Goobert Goes Underground

I've quietly removed Goobert, the original
conversational marketing method, off the
market. Not because it doesn't work.
On the contrary, it works better than
ever, even out performing my SEO efforts,
in terms of traffic. (Skeptics can listen to
the audiobook "The Thank You Economy"
by Gary Vaynerchuk.)

I pulled it off the market because, it's a
beginner to intermediate product. With
newbies, there's a ship load of questions.
And because of my commitment to the
Ultimate Heatmap project, and coaching
my private site members, time is the one
thing, I don't have any more of.

If you want Goobert, you can still get it
when you become a Dynamic Media member.
It sweetens the pot to over 30,000 dollars
worth of training materials inside. Just
about everything you'll need to know about
internet marketing - including Goobert -
is waiting for you to come pick it up.

Get Goobert and 30K Worth of Bonuses

Plus, once you become a lifetime member,
you can hire me for coaching by email, for
as little as 30 dollars per question. Come
visit Dynamic Media to find out how.

- - - - -

Your Lawyer Called

Your lawyer called. Three little words
that strike terror into the hearts of men.
That's was the message waiting for me
when I got home.

And it wasn't the inexpensive corporate
lawyer. It was intellectual properties
lawyer. Every time I talk to this dude,
it costs 500 bucks.

Last time, some chump tried to take a run
at me, for work that I'd done years ago.
Then just before the statute of limitations
ran out, they decided to take legal action.

Thank goodness for the "Printing Trade
Customs." It protects graphic designers,
typesetters and print shops from many
types of legal action.

It's up to the client to proof the work.
They approve it, when they sign off on
it. The client can't take a run at the
designer after the fact, for things like
typographical errors.

But... it still cost 500 bucks, for my
lawyer to write the old client a letter,
telling them to back off, or else.
(Which they did immediately.)

This time, the call from my lawyer was
different. He asked if I had an updated
terms and conditions and privacy policy,
because there isn't any "printing trade
customs" protecting my websites.

My first thought was... crap... now what?
Is some bonehead suing me from half way
round the world?

I wish I hadn't procrastinated about
getting the legal pages up, thinking that
being Canadian, I was somehow safe. But I
know in my heart I'm really not, because
my legal page was horribly out of date.

Google requires an updated privacy policy.
So does Clickbank and most other affiliate
programs. Even if you are Canadian,
Australian, British, European, etc, if you
sell to Americans you must have a properly
worded, updated, terms and conditions, and
privacy policy in place.

It turns out, that the call from my lawyer
was a false alarm. I had emailed him a
year ago about drafting up new legal
pages. The estimate came in at just under
10 grand, so I never acted on it.

When I asked about the nature of this
"courtesy call" he didn't give much in
the way of specifics. He just said that,
"I had better act soon, like today, and
get those legal pages up."

It seems as though the government and
corporate powers that be, "Have been going
through the internet, one site at time,
catching all those guilty of various TOS
(terms of service) violations. And they're
not just going after Americans, they're
going after everyone."

"It doesn't matter where you live, or
where your website is based. The 'grace
period' is over. It's just a matter of
time before your website gets reviewed.
You could get banned from Google, Amazon,
Clickbank, fined by the FTC, or worse."

My lawyer continued to say that, "Someone
could sue you from half way round the
world. Without those legal pages in place,
you haven't limited your liability. You
have to go to their courts, in their city,
with your legal team."

So as I sat there speechless, he added one
last blast, "In other words, it's going to
cost you a lot more than 10,000 bucks."

The first thing I did when I got off the
phone, was to clear my schedule. I
immediately fired up the Legal Forms
Generator (which I bought months ago and
totally forgot about). Within 20 minutes I
had 11 legal documents up on my site.

I don't know why I had been putting it
off. It was so easy to do. It took a phone
call from my lawyer, to scare the crap out
of me, and motivate me to get it done.

So now I can rest easy. The legal pages
are up. (I pasted all 11 documents into
a single page to conserve link juice.)


I've limited my liability to 100 dollars.
If you don't agree to my terms, you can't
use my website.

If anyone wants to sue me, they have
to come to my town. My privacy policy
explains what info is collected and how I
use cookies.

I have an earnings disclaimer that
includes testimonials. A compensation
disclosure for my affiliate marketing.
Heck, even a Health Disclaimer, as I often
talk about diet and exercise.

So as you can see. I've covered my assets.

The last thing you want is "that" knock on
the door. To be handed a summons, a claims
form, or legal letter from a lawyer, just
because you failed to put legal pages on
your site.

The court can sieze assets like your home
and car. Sometimes immediately and without
notice. Even if you're a corporation, or
LLC, they could freeze and take away all
your business assets.

Now... I'm NOT a lawyer, but the legal
documents on my site were written by one.
And it didn't cost anything near the 10K I
was quoted.

Don't wait for that knock on the door.
Protect yourself now.

I used the Legal Forms Generator. Within
20 minutes I was done. Isn't peace of mind
worth 20 minutes of your time? It was for
me. I hope it will be for you, too.

Get the Legal Forms Generator here:

Wishing you all the best for "peace of
mind" and success,


Michael Campbell, CEO
Dynamic Media Corporation
Phone: +1 (360) 450-5880

Copyright 2011 Dynamic Media Corporation

This newsletter does not contain legal
advice. It's the story of what happened
to me and the steps I took to fix it.
If you want legal advice, please talk
with your lawyer.

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

SEO Newsletter - Vol 93 - Drive ROI, Google Places SEO and Google +1 Button Guide

Read this newsletter in your browser.

SEO Newsletter | Vol 93 | July 18, 2011
Internet Marketing Optimization: Understanding How the Disciplines Drive ROI
Google Places Optimization Best Practices
A Guide to the Google +1 Button
THE USUAL: Coverage of this month's
hot topics, shuffles, sound bytes, shindigs, attaboys and word on the wire.
Internet Marketing Optimization: Understanding How the Disciplines Drive ROI

Author: Jessica Lee

Back in the beginning days of Internet marketing, businesses were offered a limited, albeit potent, way to market their sites online consisting of few disciplines – search engine optimization being one of them. Today, the disciplines within Internet marketing have multiplied, and with the resources available to a business, Internet marketing campaigns are now more powerful than ever before.

Depending on the level of knowledge of Internet marketing within a company, some may not fully understand all the assets available to them to market their businesses online. Changes and trends move quickly in this fast-paced industry, so it's not always easy to stay abreast of them. It's also not always apparent how the various disciplines within Internet marketing can work together to maximize ROI.

Here at Bruce Clay, Inc., we call the merging of all the disciplines, "Internet marketing optimization." No longer is it just one type of Internet marketing that's important to a business website. We are now in an era where all the disciplines work together to offer a truly integrated online marketing experience, making online visibility and targeted reach stronger than ever before.

read more

Google Places Optimization Best Practices

Author: Virginia Nussey

Google Places optimization is an important part of location-centric online marketing for any local business, improving search exposure to those looking for a product or service in their area.

Search engines and social networks continue to roll out locally focused products and features, and a crop of local deal and check-in services have popped up, indicating recognition that the local space holds the greatest opportunity for growth in marketing opportunities and consumer engagement.

Fueling this growth is widespread adoption by the business community, eager to engage in online marketing channels that introduce businesses to a base of proactive customers. But as always, the earlier you're in the game, the better your chance for exposure and audience penetration. An optimized Google Places Page is the barrier to entry in today's Web-focused media environment.

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A Guide to the Google +1 Button

Author: Martin Orliac

Google has started to release its Google+ strategy with the introduction of the +1 Button followed by Google+ itself. These two new releases are just the beginning, and as we already know, Google is planning to roll out more Gmail integrations, a Google+ iPhone app, and more.

The +1 Button and Google+ are the first social move since the launches of Google Wave and Google Buzz, and this time, it appears very convincing. With the ability to granularly select who can view individual posts, Google+ will suit all those who were struggling to manage different public and private profiles across different platforms.

The +1 Button seems like a simple element on the Web, but it's not. There are a number of key factors to take into account when implementing a +1 Button, or even when +1'ing content.

read more

  Hot Topics

Social network. Life hub. Marketers' promised land?

Google+ was unveiled on June 28, becoming the search and cloud-based app company's first critically lauded social platform. Already topping 10 million members in just weeks as a limited field test, the outlook, reviews and momentum seem to be on Google's side.

Facebook Killer?

Comparisons were immediately made between Google+ and Facebook. As the New York Times put it:

"At first, Google+ looks like a shameless Facebook duplicate. There's a place for you to make Posts (your thoughts and news, like Facebook's Wall); there's a Stream (an endless scrolling page of your friends' posts, like Facebook's News Feed); and even a little +1 button (a clone of Facebook's Like button), which may be where Google+ gets its peculiar name.

But there's one towering, brilliant difference: Circles.

[...] From now on, every time you share something — a news item, a thought, a photo, a chat invitation — you can specify exactly which Circles receive it. In one fell swoop, Google has solved the layers-of-privacy problem that has dogged Facebook for years."

However, many hesitate to predict the end for Facebook, or Twitter, for that matter. The position of Google+ is unique from other social platforms. G+ profiles are required to be public, although the updates and media shared on them can be selectively kept from public view. For individuals on G+ and for businesses, once brand pages are made available, Google+ is an opportunity to craft a public brand presence as a web-wide aggregator that will be highly visible in search.

Why Google Wants a Social Platform So Badly

On Search Engine Land Ciarán Norris explains the value of the social graph for improving search relevance:

"In many ways, likes are a much better model for directing search results. Linking was always a bit of a niche activity – you had to have a web page, you probably had to know a bit of HTML. In other words, links were for geeks, likes are for everyone.

Therefore, if Google wants to maintain its hold on the search sector, it needs to develop its own social graph, or at least that's how people at Google have described it to me."

According to Bryan Eisenberg's Facebook Knock Off or Something Else?: "Google wants to understand how to bring you more relevant search results and ads. The intersection of search, social, and mobile are a powerful force and Google was handicapped by not having full access to the data."

One Ring to the Rule Them All

Perhaps most significant of all the potential consequences of Google+ popular adoption would be Google's effortless transition into the role of users' go-to apps provider.

With the Google Apps toolbar along the top of a browser window, Google has made it easy to use them for email, calendar, docs, photo sharing and browser, to name a few. As some media outlets have declared this week, it's Google's world; we just live in it.

SEOToolSet Version 5

Facebook has announced three changes to the platform. The new features and functionality include: video calling in partnership with Skype, group chat and a chat redesign.

Former Microsoftie, Sanaz Ahari, has left her position as Principal Group Program Manager for Bing to join Google in display advertising.

Electronic Arts purchased online gaming company PopCap Games for 1 billion USD. This is EA's section acquisition of an online gaming company.

Online streaming TV and movie site, Hulu, has reportedly decided to offer itself up for sale. Hulu is currently owned by an amalgam of media companies including News Corp, Walt Disney Co. and Comcast.

News Corp sold beleaguered social network Myspace to Specific Media for 35 million dollars, far less than the $480 million they paid in 2005. Further layoffs came with the buy.

Following the recent exit of co-founder Ev Williams, Twitter now loses co-founder Biz Stone who is moving to work on new projects with Williams at Obvious Corporation.

Backtype, a service for tracking social mentions on the Web, has been acquired by Twitter. Current products will be offered free for now to current users but no new users will be accepted and the core Backtype product will be discontinued.

Google has acquired loyalty card startup, Punchd. The six-person company will be working from Google's Mountain View headquarters going forward.

eBay India's country manager Ambareesh Murty will be leaving the company to pursue his entrepreneurial interests. Muralikrishnan B will take over as the country manager.

Microsoft India's joint managing director, consumer & online business manager Hemant Sachdev is slated to leave the company after serving his 90 day notice period.


SES San Francisco will take place August 15-18. Bruce Clay, Inc. will be there liveblogging, speaking and chatting at booth 507 so we hope to see you there as well. As a bonus, there will be an author signing of our Search Engine Optimization All-In-One for Dummies. Get 20 percent off your registration with code 20BRU.

Bruce Clay will be presenting the popular SEO one-day training at SES San Francisco on August 19. Your dollar will go even farther with special deals Bruce is offering for workshop attendees and SEMPO members. Don't miss out on this great opportunity to extend your conference experience and take advantage of expert training.

From August 21-23 in New York City, Affiliate Summit East will tackle the latest trends and information for the affiliate marketing industry.

SMX East will take place September 13-15 at the Jacob K. Javits Center. Bruce Clay will present a one-day SEO Training Workshop on September 12.

For a free All Access pass to SMX East, enter the Small Biz Local Discovery Contest by submitting an article about SEO, PPC or social media for local businesses. The contest entry deadline has been extended to Friday, July 22. Read about the full contest rules and prizes here.

In the U.S., the newly updated SEOToolSet® standard and advanced training and certification dates for 2011, taking place in Simi Valley, CA, are as follows:

  • September 19-23
  • November 14-18

SMX Melbourne will be held on November 16 and 17 for anyone in the online or search marketing field.

Bruce Clay Australia presents the upcoming SEO training courses in 2011:

india flag

The 3-day SEO training course will take place in Gurgaon, India, from 2 to 4 August 2011.


According to comScore, the biggest network of sites on the Web is Google, with over one billion visitors. The report also notes that Facebook's vaunted 700 million visitor number is not representative of the active number of viewers.

Twitter continues to gain legitimacy as a news source with the new site Twitter for Newsrooms.

Foursquare, the location check-in site, has reached the milestones of more than 10 million people registered and more than 500,000 specials from businesses.

A trio of girls swept the Internet-based Google Science Fair, taking home the gold in all three age groups. Grand prize winner, Shree Bose, delved into testing methods for ovarian cancer.

Yahoo7 has appointed Andrea Rule as their Strategy and Business Development Manager. "The newly created role will provide us with additional senior digital expertise in the Melbourne market," said Damon Scarr, Commercial Director at Yahoo7.

In Japan, real-time/social search has officially started. SEO and social media marketing must work together as Yahoo Japan released real-time search and Google social search went global.

World News juggernaut BBC launched a Hindi mobile site complete with audio news. The site is a good example of being sensitive to local needs.

  Word on the Wire

As part of its major strategy shift to integrate social influence into search, as embodied by Google+, Google has made a number of changes to its products and features. Google now displays +1 counts in search results. Google has allowed its deal with Twitter to lapse, shutting down the search engine's real-time search which relied on the Twitter fire hose. It's likely that in the future, Google real-time search results will be populated with Google+ content. And Google's Picasa and Blogger platforms have been renamed as part of an effort to unify the brand.

Google confirmed the Panda 2.2 update has been rolled out, making live the expected algorithmic improvements for detecting scraped content.

YouTube is testing a new interface design, dubbed Cosmic Panda, that features a darker background and less cluttered feel, with playlists and channel lists moved below the video.

A scandal has rocked Rupert Murdoch's media empire when it was discovered that his publication News of the World hacked the phones of members of the British Royal Family, the British prime minister and victims of murder and bombings. The fallout from the revelation led to the closing of the tabloid, the arrest of News International's former chief executive, and intensifying scrutiny of British police. The scandal has highlighted publicly accepted invisible boundaries for the appropriate use of technology.

Comscore India's Director Kedar Gavane in a webinar on June 7, 2011 revealed the latest India centric stats and findings in their report on the "State of Internet with a Focus on India". Interesting stats include:

  • Facebook is the most popular social network in India with 31.5 million users (double the number of users in 2010).
  • 15-24 year olds in India are the heaviest Internet users.
  • Social networking sites reach 84% of the Web audience in India, and take up 21% of all time spent online.
  • Fifty-five percent of the Qeb population in India visited a technology site.
  • India boasts the highest reach to travel sites among the BRIC countries, and is almost at levels similar to Europe and North America's.

You can download the full report here.

Linkedin's subscriber base in India reached 10 million.

An infographic on Digital Media in India says that India has the world's third-largest population of Internet users.

It's about time to wipe out the paid links!? Go, go Google Japan! Google tightened the spam links in Japan and points out paid link issues in Google Webmaster Tools.


SEOToolSet Version 5

Local SEO Rankings - LocalPack

Search Engine Optimization SEO Training Courses

One-Day SEO Training

SEM Synergy Radio Show

Free Hide Google Options plugin for Firefox and Chrome


Search Engine Optimization/KSP

If you have any questions or comments on any of the above Internet marketing news items or if you would like to suggest topics for future search engine optimization articles, please contact us at Bruce Clay, Inc.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

EzSEO Newsletter # 314


EzSEO Newsletter # 314
Andy Williams


IMPORTANT: You are receiving this email because you 0pted in to it.
If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click on the
unsubscribe link at the end, and you will not get it again.

In this issue:

1. SE Cockpit Review

2. Backlinking Questions

3. Do you want a spider only version?

Hi Peter

Since I mentioned that I was going to be starting an "Insiders
Membership Group", I have had loads of questions. One of the
biggest topics is on backlinking, so I have condensed the questions
down into a few of the more common ones, and done my best to answer
them in this newsletter.

Also, I wanted to review Shane Melaugh's SE Cockpit. Many of you
know Shane for his Backlink Battleplan product, which in my opinion
is still the best backlinking course around. SE Cockpit is a new
Keyword & Market Research tool that he released earlier this month.
Problem for me though is that I have used Market Samurai for some
time now, so do I really need another "Keyword Research tool"?

You can read this issue online here:

(You may need to copy and paste the whole URL into your browser).
Any problems, just go to:

.. and follow the link to issue #314.

As always, you can leave your comments and thoughts at the bottom
of that page.

all the best

Andy Williams

Visit the subscriber Bonus page for reports and other

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please recommend it to your
friends. Also if you have any tips of your own, questions or
comments, please leave a comment at the online version of this

Any tips or questions & answers I print in this newsletter will
also be put up on the web version of the newsletter with a link to
your site if you want it. That's extra free traffic for your site
as well as an incoming link to your site.

The products reviewed in this newsletter are often affiliate
products, and as such, if you buy through my link, I may receive a

The contents of this newsletter is copyright 2010 Andrew Williams.
If you want to republish any of the articles, you must get
permission from the author.

This newsletter disclaims all responsibility for the advertising
copy or the product advertised. You cannot rely on the fact that
the newsletter has examined the product or recommends or endorses
the product, unless it clearly says that it has, when you make your
decision whether or not to purchase the product or interact with
the advertiser. You are advised to do your own investigation before


Correos 4
38410 Los Realejos

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, July 7, 2011

EzSEO Newsletter # 313


EzSEO Newsletter # 313
Andy Williams


IMPORTANT: You are receiving this email because you 0pted in to it.
If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click on the
unsubscribe link at the end, and you will not get it again.

In this issue:

1. Is Content Different Since Google's Panda Update?

Hi Peter

Today's newsletter is short because it has taken most of the day to
do the number crunching.

About a year ago I wrote an article where I analyzed 100s of web
pages ranking for 4 different key phrases (picked at random). Since
Google's Panda update seemed to wipe out a lot of pages, I wondered
if I would notice any differences if I repeated that analysis.
Although it was a lot of work, I have the results in today's

You can read this issue online here:

(You may need to copy and paste the whole URL into your browser).
Any problems, just go to:

.. and follow the link to issue #313.

As always, you can leave your comments and thoughts at the bottom
of that page.

all the best

Andy Williams

Visit the subscriber Bonus page for reports and other

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please recommend it to your
friends. Also if you have any tips of your own, questions or
comments, please leave a comment at the online version of this

Any tips or questions & answers I print in this newsletter will
also be put up on the web version of the newsletter with a link to
your site if you want it. That's extra free traffic for your site
as well as an incoming link to your site.

The products reviewed in this newsletter are often affiliate
products, and as such, if you buy through my link, I may receive a

The contents of this newsletter is copyright 2010 Andrew Williams.
If you want to republish any of the articles, you must get
permission from the author.

This newsletter disclaims all responsibility for the advertising
copy or the product advertised. You cannot rely on the fact that
the newsletter has examined the product or recommends or endorses
the product, unless it clearly says that it has, when you make your
decision whether or not to purchase the product or interact with
the advertiser. You are advised to do your own investigation before


Correos 4
38410 Los Realejos

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