Wednesday, July 28, 2021

3 Expert Tips to Improve Core Web Vitals webinar replay

Hi friend,

With Google's page experience update rolling out, many sites are trying but failing to achieve "good" scores for their core web vitals — and missing out on potential ranking boosts as a result.

The need is so great that more than 700 people registered for the live webinar I gave on this topic just a couple weeks ago.

Today, I'm writing to say that my "3 Expert Tips to Improve Core Web Vitals" webinar replay is now available to watch.

In the webinar, I explained the core web vitals and then shared technical tips on how to fine-tune your website to improve page experience.

You can now watch this webinar on demand (for free).

>> Watch now: 3 Expert Tips to Improve Core Web Vitals

This webinar recording will help you understand:

  • LCP: what it is and a proven way to make sure your largest content element loads quickly
  • FID: what it is and how you can deliver interactivity to users smoothly
  • CLS: what it is and how to eliminate page shifts to stabilize your webpage

Be sure to watch all the way through for an extended in-depth Q&A discussion.

If you've struggled to get your core web vitals scores into the "green" zone, this webinar will help you move them in the right direction.

Here you go:

Best to you,


2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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Monday, July 26, 2021

How to influence your Google sitelinks and win clicks

Hi friend,

I just posted What Are Sitelinks? Best Practices for Google Sitelinks on the Bruce Clay Blog.

In the SEO world, people either love sitelinks or hate them. Either way, sitelinks within your search result can be a good sign that Google considers your website reputable.

Not to mention, they can bring more traffic to your site.

And alhough sitelinks are technically out of your control, there are ways to influence what Google shows in SERPs.

Find out how to take advantage of this SERP feature with this new guide.

Here you go:

Best to you,


2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

A Jam-Packed Guide on Internal Linking for SEO

Hi friend,

New today on the Bruce Clay Blog is A Jam-Packed Guide on Internal Linking for SEO.

When discussing link building strategies for SEO, inbound links get most of the attention. But it's your internal links that can impact SEO and user experience even more.

This guide covers internal linking in depth, from navigation menus to siloing, with many examples. I hope you find it useful to improve your website.

Here you go:

Best to you,


2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

What’s the best way to revive dead content and get new ROI?

Hi friend,

My latest article on the Bruce Clay Blog is What's the Best Way to Revive Dead Content and Get New ROI?

Do you have old content that no one visits anymore? Pages that once drew lively traffic, but now seem dead?

If your website is like most, of course you do.

Well, I have 3 steps that will let you revive that old content and get ROI flowing again...

Here you go:

Best to you,


P.S. This is a topic we tackle in one of our "Ask Us Anything" videos from our SEO training membership site. As a member, you would enjoy access to many more of these topic-focused videos that answer common SEO questions in under 3 minutes. Learn more at

2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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