Monday, November 28, 2011

IMS Special Edition - 25% Off This Week Only - November 28 2011

Internet Marketing Secrets
IMS Special Edition - November 28 2011
25% Off This Week Only


This is just a quick note to let you know
that I'm having a cyber week sale. From
now until December 02 2011, Lifetime
Membership to the Dynamic Media Vault
is 25% off the regular price. So if you've
been thinking about it, now would be a
good time to join.


I also wanted to let you know, that
version 2.0 of the Ultimate Heatmap
research is on sale. You may have
downloaded version 1.0 of the report
last year.

This new version has been completely
revised and expanded with fresh test
results. Plus it comes with my Color
Persuasion ebook as a bonus. Right now
you can get both ebooks and some other
goodies, for one surprisingly low
introductory price.


Thanks for reading. Your regular Internet
Marketing Secrets will arrive in a couple
of days.

Wishing you all the best for success,



If you decide to get a Lifetime Membership
to the Vault, you also get the Ultimate
Heatmap 2.0 and Color Persuasion included
with that purchase. The choice is yours.
You can either get the Ultimate Heatmap
report separately, or choose to get it and
all the other goodies in the Vault, while
its on sale this week.

Michael Campbell, CEO
Dynamic Media Corporation

Copyright 2011 Dynamic Media Corporation

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

IMS #210 - Laughing in the Face of Adversity - November 23 2011

Internet Marketing Secrets
IMS #210 - November 23 2011
Laughing in the Face of Adversity


When people say something stupid,
mean, or evil about you, smile and
laugh out loud in five seconds or less.

You can't control what other people
think, or say about you.

The sooner you stop caring what other
people think, the happier you'll be.

Even if they're talking trash about you in
a public place, like a blog, or forum. You
can stop a forum fire the same way you'd
stop a real fire. Starve it of fuel and it
will go out.

Don't drag your friends into it and pour
fuel on it. Be bigger than that. Turn the
other cheek. Doing so is not an act of
cowardice. It's an act of defiance.

Reacting is only agreeing with the
strength of the attacker. By doing
nothing, forgiving, forgetting and
moving on, you can stay at peace.

Same deal if someone cuts in line,
or cuts you off in traffic. You can
choose to get angry and flood your
body with toxins, or you can choose
to laugh out loud and stay at peace.

Try letting off steam by laughing,
instead of yelling, and you'll notice
a big difference in your life. You'll be
happier. And when you're happy, all
sorts of good hormones get released,
that make you feel great.

Your job is to smile and laugh out loud in
five seconds or less... no matter what.

Go ahead and try it. You'll feel great.

Even if it's a fake laugh. Your body
doesn't know the difference. Why not
make it a big belly laugh.

Go ahead. Do it. I dare you.
Laugh out loud right now.

LOL :-)

Wishing you all the best for success,



Want to comment, ask questions, or talk
about what you just read? Come join the
conversation, or start one on the blog;

Want more inspirational material just
like this? Stuff that will pick you up,
boost your day and help you be more
productive? It's waiting for you inside
the Dynamic Media Vault.

Want More?

Type this:


I know you're super busy this week,
so I'm having a sale next week. Lifetime
Membership to the Dynamic Media Vault
will be 25% off. Go ahead and mark it
on your calendar, but don't worry,
I'll send you a reminder. In the mean
time, smile and keep laughing,
especially when times get tough!

Michael Campbell, CEO
Dynamic Media Corporation

Copyright 2011 Dynamic Media Corporation

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

EzSEO Newsletter # 326


EzSEO Newsletter # 326
Andy Williams


IMPORTANT: You are receiving this email because you 0pted in to it.
If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click on the
unsubscribe link at the end, and you will not get it again.

In this issue:

1. That fantastic Wordpress plugin I told you about!

2. Finding cheap, high quality images for your web pages

3. 25 free backlinks per day. Interested?

Hi Peter

The main reason for writing this newsletter was actually to tell
you about the price increases in that wonderful plugin I told you
about in the last newsletter.

However, I have found a couple of other bits and pieces you might
be interested in. In particular, how would you like 25 free links
per day where all links are on unique C-Class IP addresses and

I also have news on a great photo site where you can buy very high
quality images at a fraction of the price that you would have to
pay on iStock Photo.

You can read this issue online here:

(You may need to copy and paste the whole URL into your browser).
Any problems, just go to:

.. and follow the link to issue #326.

As always, you can leave your comments and thoughts at the bottom
of that page.

all the best

Andy Williams

Visit the subscriber Bonus page for reports and other

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please recommend it to your
friends. Also if you have any tips of your own, questions or
comments, please leave a comment at the online version of this

Any tips or questions & answers I print in this newsletter will
also be put up on the web version of the newsletter with a link to
your site if you want it. That's extra free traffic for your site
as well as an incoming link to your site.

The products reviewed in this newsletter are often affiliate
products, and as such, if you buy through my link, I may receive a

The contents of this newsletter is copyright 2010 Andrew Williams.
If you want to republish any of the articles, you must get
permission from the author.

This newsletter disclaims all responsibility for the advertising
copy or the product advertised. You cannot rely on the fact that
the newsletter has examined the product or recommends or endorses
the product, unless it clearly says that it has, when you make your
decision whether or not to purchase the product or interact with
the advertiser. You are advised to do your own investigation before


Correos 4
38410 Los Realejos

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, November 11, 2011

EzSEO Newsletter # 325


EzSEO Newsletter # 325
Andy Williams


IMPORTANT: You are receiving this email because you 0pted in to it.
If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click on the
unsubscribe link at the end, and you will not get it again.

In this issue:

1. Warm cookies and SERPs?

2. Ezine Academy by Martin Avis

3. My Course Re-Opens for 24 hours.

4. Hootsuite now offers Apps

5. A Great Free Office Suite

6. Review ezSEO Newsletter on Facebook

7. Google News - Follow developments daily

8. What a fantastic Wordpress plugin!

Hi Peter

In today's newsletter you'll hear the latest comments from members
of my own "Insiders Membership site" - what are they thinking about
the stuff I am teaching????

I'll also review a course written by Martin Avis on setting up your
own newsletter.

Martin's own newsletter provides him with a full time income, but
it wasn't always that way. Martin learned by making his own
mistakes, but now you don't have to.

What Martin has learned in 10 years of publishing has been crammed
into this course. If you are thinking of starting a newsletter (or
have one that has kind of fizzled out), you should read my review.

The newsletter also has an update on Google, plus one of my
favourite applications now offers greater versatility with it's new
Apps directory.

You can read this issue online here:

(You may need to copy and paste the whole URL into your browser).
Any problems, just go to:

.. and follow the link to issue #325.

As always, you can leave your comments and thoughts at the bottom
of that page.

all the best

Andy Williams

Visit the subscriber Bonus page for reports and other

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please recommend it to your
friends. Also if you have any tips of your own, questions or
comments, please leave a comment at the online version of this

Any tips or questions & answers I print in this newsletter will
also be put up on the web version of the newsletter with a link to
your site if you want it. That's extra free traffic for your site
as well as an incoming link to your site.

The products reviewed in this newsletter are often affiliate
products, and as such, if you buy through my link, I may receive a

The contents of this newsletter is copyright 2010 Andrew Williams.
If you want to republish any of the articles, you must get
permission from the author.

This newsletter disclaims all responsibility for the advertising
copy or the product advertised. You cannot rely on the fact that
the newsletter has examined the product or recommends or endorses
the product, unless it clearly says that it has, when you make your
decision whether or not to purchase the product or interact with
the advertiser. You are advised to do your own investigation before


Correos 4
38410 Los Realejos

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

IMS #209 - Less Choice = More Sales - November 08 2011

Internet Marketing Secrets
IMS #209 - November 08 2011
Less Choice = More Sales


Did you know that limited choice and
features leads to happier customers?

Think about three match sticks for
a second. Now close your eyes, and
imagine three of them in a row. It's
pretty easy, but most people can't
image more than five.

Go ahead and try it. Imagine a row
of six match sticks in your mind's eye.
Not two groups of three, but six in a
row. Most people can't.

We have trouble seeing large groups
of items. We have trouble deciding.

That's why waiters never give a kid a
menu. They give the adults a menu and
ask the kid if they want the hamburger
or hotdog.

The number one reason that consumer
goods get returned, is because they
have too many features. They are too
hard to use. Most people want and use
only a fraction of what the device is
capable of doing.

The same conclusion was reached in a
famous Stanford University study, where
they sold jam to the public. (The stuff
people spread on toast.)

When 20 flavors of jam were sold,
people had a hard time deciding what
to buy. They bought less, and were
unhappy with their purchase decision.

When only six flavors of jam were
available, people decided easily. They
bought a lot more and were happy
with their purchase decision.

(The notable exception to the "too many
choices" dilemma is ice cream. When it
comes to frozen treats, more variety is
always better.) ;-)

Based on this research, I ran extensive
tests for over two years on my cellular
sites. After collecting and analyzing the
data, I finally decided on four items, or
buttons, on the home page... phones,
accessories, customer service and
about us.

Even Google recently announced fresh
test data, that confirms all our findings,

"We've actually found that link units with
four terms almost always perform better
than five. As a result, we're reducing the
number of topics in all link units to four
for horizontal orientations and three for
vertical orientations."

Limit the amount of choices on each
webpage, or group the items into batches
of six or less. Four or less if you can do
it. All the data, including my research
and Google, say you'll make more sales
and have happier customers because of it.

Want to comment, ask questions, or talk
about what you just read? Come join the
conversation, or start one on the blog;

Wishing you all the best for success,



Want more research like this? Become a
Dynamic Media member and download
dozens of results just like it.

Want More?

Type this:

Michael Campbell, CEO
Dynamic Media Corporation

Copyright 2011 Dynamic Media Corporation

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