Tuesday, November 24, 2020

13 proven steps for a content audit

Hi friend,

Today on the Bruce Clay Blog, I posted The 13-Step Web Content Audit to Boost Visibility in the Search Results.

Quality content is probably the most important ranking factor. Maintaining that is a challenge -- hence the need for content audits.

But how do you evaluate each page?

Here you go: https://bit.ly/3fHmsdX

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2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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Thursday, November 19, 2020

5 reasons why a site loses rankings

Hi friend,

On the Bruce Clay Blog today, I posted 5 Things to Know When Your Site Loses Rankings.

When organic rankings drop, it can hurt. Those hard-won keywords used to send lots of traffic and revenue to your site. Now, your content just isn't performing like it used to.

If you're like me, you want to know WHY.

Based on John Mueller's insights and my own observations, I think there are five possible reasons that a site loses rankings.

Here they are: https://bit.ly/2HgDUJg

Best to you,


2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

What is Google click fraud?

Hi friend,

Today on the Bruce Clay Blog, I posted A CMO's Guide to Google Click Fraud in Less Than 5 Minutes.

If your business uses Google Ads or another PPC platform, you need to be aware that click fraud is still alive and well.

And click fraud is probably costing you money.

Here's what you need to know: https://bit.ly/36JYx9t

Best to you,


2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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Monday, November 2, 2020

Are you sitting on the gator?

Hi friend,

My latest post on the Bruce Clay Blog is: Stop Sitting on the Gator: Up Your SEO or Amazon Will Eat You.

Businesses that put the majority of their efforts into Amazon are in a precarious position.

If they're neglecting their own website and SEO, they are setting themselves up for failure.

Here's why: https://bit.ly/2I1gQhx

Best to you,


2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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