Internet Marketing Secrets
IMS #227 - July 18 2013
Did You Quit?
In this edition of IMS:
1) Using Dashed Lines to Prevent Fines
2) Amazon Kindle & Salespage Changes
3) My Choice for Best Wordpress Theme
4) Using Colors to Increase Conversions
5) Everyone's Quitting Affiliate Marketing
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Dashed Lines Can Prevent Fines
FTC is getting adamant about ads. They
want you to "make sure advertisements are
clearly distinguishable" from content on
your website.
The easiest way to do that, is by putting
a one or two pixel border around the ad.
LOL... no problem, I've been doing that
for years!
Here's my secret. I use a dashed line
around the ad. It draws attention,
because it makes the ad look like a
coupon. Clicks actually go up.
The second trick is to put the word
"Ad" in one of the corners. The least
obtrusive place - meaning it affects
clicks the least - is in the bottom right
hand corner of the advertisement, using
medium gray 12 point text.
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Amazon Kindle & Salespage Changes
There's lots of unadvertised changes
happening on Amazon. For example, they
no longer allow html on the sales page
for books.
You don't have to remove the markup from
your page, if you were grandfathered in
before the policy change. If however, you
want to change the price of your product,
or any other details, then you have to
upgrade your sales page too, nuking all
the html and tracking photos that you may
have in place.
Also, you are NOT allowed to put Amazon
affiliate program links in your Kindle
books. (Contrary to marketers that say
you should.) If you do, any reader can
report the violation and you'll could get
banned from their program.
You must link to a web page from your
Kindle book, then link to the Amazon
affiliate program from there. And if
you think about it, it's a lot less
maintenance to update a webpage, than it
is to resubmit your book every few weeks,
as affiliate links and products can
change quickly and often.
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The Best Wordpress Theme
What's the best theme? I get asked it all
the time. My three favorites are Thesis,
iThemes Builder and Headway. I like
Pagelines but it's not quite ready for
prime time yet, in my opinion.
The same 'not ready' snag happened with
Thesis. Version 2 came out a few months
back, but I didn't upgrade. Although very
powerful, it was impossible to use, with
a frustrating learning curve.
That all just changed a couple of days
ago. Thesis 2.1 is out. It's everything
Thesis 2.0 should have been. It's now
much simpler to use.
I have started using it on a test site.
I'm happy and impressed. As a matter
of public record I wrote this Chris
Pearson's Thesis blog...
"As an internet marketing consultant with
hundreds of customers and thousands of
newsletter readers, my reputation is
everything. As your affiliate, but their
mentor, I advised them not to upgrade to
Thesis 2, until the time was right."
"I believe that time is now. Thank you
for continuing to develop Thesis up to
2.1 and congratulations on this brilliant
achievement. I'll continue to send my
customers your way, because I believe in
what you're doing and why you do it."
Thesis has reclaimed its title as
champion, in my short list of favorite
themes. If you'd like to see what it can
do for you, take a few moments to skim
their wares.
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Using Colors to Increase Conversion Rates
Biggest problem with most website design
is overuse use of color. Pick up any
design book and it tells you to use three
colors at most. Or in design speak, a
dominant, subordinate and accent color.
By making the colors harmonious, it makes
people feel comfortable and confident.
These are the two most important factors
that lead to higher conversions
Then if you carry that color harmony and
your site's design elements over to the
shoppingcart, you can double your
conversion rates. (At least that's what I
did for some customers last month.)
To further increase your conversion rate,
make the call to action buttons green or
orange. They should be the only green or
orange on the page. This is where you can
break the three color rule by adding a
fourth, but only on the buttons.
When it comes to persuasion, the social
psychology experts tell us to frame what
we really want to sell - the offer - with
higher and lower price points on either
side of it. Phooey I say. My research
shows otherwise.
I have discovered and tested a way to
have two items for sale, and get over
90% choosing to the higher priced offer.
I did it with color and a few simple
graphic elements. You can find my
conclusions inside Color Persuasion,
which is available from Amazon, or
just ask me about it, next time we're on
the phone.
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Everyone's Quitting Affiliate Marketing
I was surprised at a note from a long
time friend who teaches SEO. It said
everyone he knows has quit affiliate
marketing. Good I say... more room
for my customers!
So what do strong brands do when others
quit? They expand. For example, Sony
pulled out of the local mall, so Apple
moved in.
It's the same thing with Coach, Target
and dozens of other strong brands. They
took full advantage of the economic lull
to grow. They know from experience that
things don't stay slow forever.
The American economy is recovering. It
has added over 100,000 jobs a month this
year. As it rebounds, strong brands, and
independents that were willing to stick
it out, are in position to take advantage
of the days ahead.
Yes, thousands of affiliate marketers
have quit. They ran away with their tail
between their legs.
I asked my coaching customers to make a
commitment and be patient. I assured them
there is light on the horizon. There are
sunny days ahead. We all expanded during
the lull and are ready rake it in, as
this giant awakes from its slumber.
What did you do?
If you need help with your marketing,
sales, advertising, or converting
anonymous visitors into brand fanatics,
reply to this email, ping me on Skype,
or phone me, to set up a call. Just 30
minutes can make a world of difference.
chat soon,
Michael W. Campbell, CEO
Dynamic Media Corporation
Phone: +1 (360) 450-5880
Skype: dynamic888
Copyright 2013 Dynamic Media Corporation
141-6200 MCKAY AVE, UNIT 663
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