Tuesday, November 8, 2011

IMS #209 - Less Choice = More Sales - November 08 2011

Internet Marketing Secrets
IMS #209 - November 08 2011
Less Choice = More Sales


Did you know that limited choice and
features leads to happier customers?

Think about three match sticks for
a second. Now close your eyes, and
imagine three of them in a row. It's
pretty easy, but most people can't
image more than five.

Go ahead and try it. Imagine a row
of six match sticks in your mind's eye.
Not two groups of three, but six in a
row. Most people can't.

We have trouble seeing large groups
of items. We have trouble deciding.

That's why waiters never give a kid a
menu. They give the adults a menu and
ask the kid if they want the hamburger
or hotdog.

The number one reason that consumer
goods get returned, is because they
have too many features. They are too
hard to use. Most people want and use
only a fraction of what the device is
capable of doing.

The same conclusion was reached in a
famous Stanford University study, where
they sold jam to the public. (The stuff
people spread on toast.)

When 20 flavors of jam were sold,
people had a hard time deciding what
to buy. They bought less, and were
unhappy with their purchase decision.

When only six flavors of jam were
available, people decided easily. They
bought a lot more and were happy
with their purchase decision.

(The notable exception to the "too many
choices" dilemma is ice cream. When it
comes to frozen treats, more variety is
always better.) ;-)

Based on this research, I ran extensive
tests for over two years on my cellular
sites. After collecting and analyzing the
data, I finally decided on four items, or
buttons, on the home page... phones,
accessories, customer service and
about us.

Even Google recently announced fresh
test data, that confirms all our findings,

"We've actually found that link units with
four terms almost always perform better
than five. As a result, we're reducing the
number of topics in all link units to four
for horizontal orientations and three for
vertical orientations."

Limit the amount of choices on each
webpage, or group the items into batches
of six or less. Four or less if you can do
it. All the data, including my research
and Google, say you'll make more sales
and have happier customers because of it.

Want to comment, ask questions, or talk
about what you just read? Come join the
conversation, or start one on the blog;

Wishing you all the best for success,



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Michael Campbell, CEO
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