Wednesday, May 18, 2011

EzSEO Newsletter # 308


EzSEO Newsletter # 308

Andy Williams


IMPORTANT: You are receiving this email because you 0pted in to it.
If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, click on the
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In this issue:

1. Google Algorithm - From the Horses Mouth

2. Use Ghost Writers? You need this...

3. Tenerife goes viral!

4. What I am up to at the moment.

Hi Peter

It's been a while since the last newsletter. As long-time
subscribers of the newsletter know, I have a problem with some of
the discs in my neck and it has stopped me from typing, writing and
pretty much anything else that I used to take granted. After a lot
of subscribers recommended that I go see a chiropractor, I finally
did and have started treatment with an English chiropractor here in
Tenerife called Luke Ramsay. I've seen him maybe four times so
far, and there has been an improvement in the overall strength of
my hand, so I am hopeful that this could be a solution rather than
going for the drastic option of surgery. Luke has said he is quite
optimistic that he can help fix this using a combination of his
torture chamber plus nutritional supplements to strengthen and
repair the discs and scar tissue.

Anyway I wanted to release a newsletter to point out a blog post
just in case you missed it. It's got an interesting insight into
the way the Google algorithm works (or at least tries to work).
Also in the newsletter I want to mention a product that I have been
using to check the articles that my ghost writers have been
providing. If you hire writers, this tool may be one of the
essential items that you need. Fortunately there's a free trial so
you can download it and see for yourself.

You can read this issue online here:

(You may need to copy and paste the whole URL into your browser).
Any problems, just go to:

.. and follow the link to issue #308.

As always, you can leave your comments and thoughts at the bottom
of that page.

all the best

Andy Williams

Visit the subscriber Bonus page for reports and other

If you enjoyed this newsletter, please recommend it to your
friends. Also if you have any tips of your own, questions or
comments, please leave a comment at the online version of this

Any tips or questions & answers I print in this newsletter will
also be put up on the web version of the newsletter with a link to
your site if you want it. That's extra free traffic for your site
as well as an incoming link to your site.

The products reviewed in this newsletter are often affiliate
products, and as such, if you buy through my link, I may receive a

The contents of this newsletter is copyright 2010 Andrew Williams.
If you want to republish any of the articles, you must get
permission from the author.

This newsletter disclaims all responsibility for the advertising
copy or the product advertised. You cannot rely on the fact that
the newsletter has examined the product or recommends or endorses
the product, unless it clearly says that it has, when you make your
decision whether or not to purchase the product or interact with
the advertiser. You are advised to do your own investigation before



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38410 Los Realejos

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