IMS #200 - February 09 2011
Three Secrets to Success
Hard to believe it's the 200th edition of
the newsletter. If you told me back in
1999, that I'd be writing this thing for
12 years, I would have said you were
nuts. ;-)
Rather than go down memory lane,
or providing a "greatest hits" of past
achievements, I want to share something
very special. It's my top three secrets
to success.
Call them my credo, mantra, mission
statement, whatever you like. I hope
that they serve you, as well as they
have served me, over the years.
- - - - Sponsor - - - -
The Truth About Marketing
Ken McCarthy is both a personal friend
and a mentor. In addition to knowing
direct marketing inside out, he's the best
copywriter I know.
Since 1994, Ken has been teaching
marketing through live seminars. Many
of the top income earners got their ideas
thanks to Ken's teaching.
Unfortunately, this year will be the last
System Seminar. This is your last chance
to take it. I'm not implying any fake
urgency or scarcity, this time its the
real deal.
I'll be there. I hope you will be too.
Please come up to me and introduce
yourself. I look forward to meeting
you and discussing your internet
marketing strategies.
- - - - /Sponsor - - - -
Three Secrets to Success
2011 marks the 12th anniversary of this
newsletter. Many of you have been with
me for years. Some of you for a decade.
Hundreds of you have worked with me to
achieve the true internet life style. You
know what it's like to enjoy the freedom
it brings.
The last vacation I had was a six month
road trip, four years ago. My wife Amy
and I drove across Canada, and around
the entire USA for six months. No set
itinerary, just roaming around, staying in
places that we enjoyed.
I worked the whole time, writing the
newsletter and running my consultancy.
Most people didn't even know I was on
vacation. That's because I've got my
business down to five items.
All I need is a Mac laptop, backup drive,
USB headset for Skype, cell phone and
video camera. Throw in the WIFI that
most hotels offer and I'm in business.
Four years later, here I am, roaming
around China for six weeks. I don't say
that to impress you, but to impress upon
you, that if you work hard, at something
you love to do, and become one of the
best at it, you can achieve your dreams.
As you build your internet business, think
about being in it for the long run. Ignore
shiny objects promising quick roads
to riches.
Avoid the shortcuts and tactics de jour.
Stick to the tried and true marketing
principles. (Like you'll learn at the
System Seminar, if you care to meet
me there.)
Think of building your business like
turning the propeller on a ship. If you
turn it once, you don't get very far.
If you turn a propeller for weeks, and you
can cross oceans. Turn it for years and it
will take you everywhere you've dreamed
of going.
Finally, a few words of advice, that
I garnered from my mentors. It's an
expanded version of the conclusion I
wrote for Goobert (my conversational
marketing method).
I hope it serves you as well as it has me.
I'd like you to remember these three
things. Call them rules if you like, but
they really are true internet marketing
1) You get paid by bringing value to the
marketplace. That value can be through
invention, or product innovation, but it
can also be through what you've learned
by reading and doing.
If you improve your knowledge, or skill
set, you increase your personal value.
You can charge more for your advice
and services.
Remain a student and keep learning
new things your entire lifetime. Your
mind will remain sharp and keep young,
as you discover and explore new ideas.
You'll continue to earn more, with every
passing year.
2) Be of service always. Listen closely.
Listen to where people say they are
now, and where they'd like to be. That
distance, or interval between the two, is
your chance to make a sale.
Sometimes it's not your product, or
service, and you'll need to send the
customer elsewhere. That's ok.
People will respect your honesty and
remember you. They are far more likely to
purchase from you, than a stranger, when
they need a product, or service like yours
in the future.
Never, ever, compromise your integrity,
or values, for a short term gain. You may
make the sale today, but ultimately loose
the customer and their friends forever.
Remember that you're in business for the
long haul. The greatest measure of your
worth, to any new customer, is your
Be fair and honest in everything you
do. New customers will seek you out,
not just because of your advertising,
but because of the relationships you
have with their friends.
3) I'll share with you the fastest way to
achieve success. I did it several times.
So have hundreds of others, that I've
mentored over the past 12 years. It's
simple to do, if you let the first two
rules be your guide.
Identify the problems facing your niche.
Source or create the solutions. Sell your
solutions to the existing market, as
digital products or downloads.
Digital is the fastest way from concept to
market. Plus you'll avoid the all hassels
of inventory, merchandising and shipping.
Never do it the other way round, by
creating a product first, and then trying
to find, or create a market. The market
must already exist, if you want quick
All that remains now, is to follow up your
product sales with permission based email
marketing, and you'll have a successful
business. But you don't have to stop
Consider giving back to the community
that made you successful. It could be
through a newsletter, regular blog posts,
or participating in discussions wherever
your brand is mentioned.
You might also set up a private site, even
though you don't need the revenue. Simply
by coaching and mentoring others, you'll
get a wonderful feeling of satisfaction,
as you contribute to their success.
That's it for the 200th edition my
friends. I hope that these three internet
marketing secrets serve you, as well as
they've served me over the years.
If you'd like to learn more about the
coaching I offer, click over to my site at
Dynamic Media. I look forward to helping
you achieve your internet marketing goals.
Dynamic Media:
take care,
P. S.
Just a quick update for the Dynamic Media
members, in case they missed the blog
post. Until February 25th I'll be working
from China.
I'll be taking Skype calls and coaching by
email as usual, just the time zone will be
different. I'll be 16 hours ahead of what
you're used to.
If you miss me on Skype, please email me
your questions, and I'll get back to you
within one business day. I'll be back in
Vancouver February 28th. Thank you for
continuing to rely on me for your internet
marketing advice.
Michael Campbell
CEO Dynamic Media Corporation
Copyright 2011 Dynamic Media Corporation
141-6200 MCKAY AVE, UNIT 663
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