IMS #197 - November 12 2010
Commercial Intent Keywords that Convert into Sales
In this Edition...
* How to get help with your marketing
* Using Google keyword tool for LSI
* Hot commercial intent keywords
* Page titles that lead to conversions
- - - Sponsor - - -
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How to Get Help When You Need It
A lot of folks come to me and ask who I
recommend for various services. I have
some friends (yes real friends) that can
help you out. And - for the record - none
of the following are affiliate links. So
these friends are the real deal.
If you're in the hotel industry, or know
someone who is, Milestone Internet is the
#1 choice for internet marketing. Benu and
her team keeps knocking it out of the
park. They've already snagged 22 trophies
in 2010.
Milestone's home page is an impressive
PageRank 7. Imagine what they could do
for you.
If you use Clickbank to sell your products
Adrian Ling has a suite of tools for you.
You can automate bonuses, protect your
downloads and better manage the Clickbank
affiliate program.
The tool I use most is Easy Click Mate.
It lets affiliates sign up through you.
It passes every affiliate's link juice to
your main site. And you can sell dozens
of products with one Clickbank account.
Right now, Adrian's holding a year end
sale. You can get all three of his
Clickbank tools for the cost of one.
Even better yet, he's offering to install
the scripts for you. So you get all the
benefits without having to do any of the
work. ;-)
Use this coupon code DMCORP2010 (valid
until Nov 16th) when you open a support
ticket, to request your installation.
It's a good deal. Go get it.
If you'd like to get a video done for your
website, my friend Sherman Hu can help you
with that. He's come up with an ingenious
way to capture remote video and make it
look like you're being interviewed by him.
I've seen some of the videos and they're
top notch.
All you need is a webcam at your end.
Sherman records it from his end, and gets
you to talk about your company, products
and services. The end result is a pro
looking video, that you can put on your
website as a sales tool. You can find
a full list of his services here.
If you have an HTML site and you want to
bring it into Wordpress, my friend Amit
Savyon can make it a reality. With the CSS
behind Wordpress, he can make your design
look almost identical to the one you have
now, or give you a complete overhaul.
He can also upgrade your existing install
to the latest Wordpress version, customize
your theme, and move your blog from one
hosting company to the next. Pretty much
anything and everything you can imagine
with Wordpress and CSS, can be done
through Amit and company.
And if you'd like to know more about
advertising, sales and marketing, give me
a call. Once you become a Dynamic Media
member, I'm just a phone call away.
- - - - -
Commercial Intent Keywords that Convert
I've been getting questions about keyword
research, how to find "buying" keywords.
I'll give you the answer in two parts.
First up are two popular keyword tools.
For example, if your market is in the
weight niche, just type in the root word
'weight' and look at the results.
The Wordtracker tool shows the questions
that people are asking. Every one of these
questions would make an excellent blog
post, or article.
Put the question as the title of your
page, or post, for maximum SEO benefit.
Then proceed to answer the question in
your content.
The Google tool is sorted by relevance
when you open it. That's a key point
to remember.
Most people look at the numbers and sort
by competition or searches. That's the
wrong way to go about it... at first.
The right way to find the content that
should be on your page, is to not click on
anything. The moment you search for your
root word 'weight' the Google tool sorts
by relevance.
The competition, number of searches,
trends, etc, are all irrelevant at this
moment. What matters are the keywords
in the order they appear.
So if you scan your eyes down the keyword
column, those are the keywords - according
to Google's LSI engine - that should
appear in your pages and posts.
As for what to sell, go to
Type in your keywords, then click on the
drop down menu where it says, Choose a
Department to enable sorting. Choose to
sort by best selling.
The resulting list from Amazon, features
the hottest selling products in America
right now. You'd be wise to feature
similar products on your sales pages.
Want to learn more about keyword
research? You can get my Top 10 Market
Research Tips, by going to the blog for
this newsletter, and searching for beer.
Yep, beer.
As for the second half of the question,
about the "buyer" keywords, there used to
be a tool by MSN to look up commercial
intent. It's constantly being hammered by
bots, so it's rarely available.
If you can't get the MSN tool to work, you
can use the Google tool as a "commercial
barometer" of sorts. Once you enter your
root term, look for the Columns button and
select Show All columns. The results will
refresh with new data.
Look at the estimated CPC or cost per
click. That will show you the "commercial"
keywords most likely to convert for the
advertiser. The logic being, that most
people won't throw their ad budgets into
non converting phrases.
To get true commercial intent though, we
have to go back to the old school method.
That means a combo of common sense,
linguistics and server logs.
Here are some hot keywords with great
commercial intent. They are very likely to
lead to a sale.
Hot Keywords; refill, removal, service,
solutions, retailers, store, sale, buy,
where to, get, purchase, fix, rent, parts,
repair, relief, cure, stop, replacement,
reservation, reserve, book (as in booking
a flight, or room).
Here are some warm keywords that are
commercial in nature, but the intent isn't
quite as clear. They are more research
based and informational in nature. They
may, or may not lead to a sale.
Warm Keywords; help, tips, advice,
information, news, recipes, articles,
newest, improve, training, courses,
prevent, create, prepare, instructions,
learn, info, start, how to, compare,
reviews, shop.
A few words you may want to avoid,
because they're competing on price alone
are; discount, cheap, specials, prices.
And a few words if you're selling to
businesses might be; bulk, wholesale,
volume, suppliers.
As a general rule of thumb, but not
always, long tail keywords that are
very specific, are usually commercial in
nature. The head of the search, which
uses short generic phrases, are used for
information gathering and research.
For example, the head phrase 'cell phone'
could be about anything. It could be about
networks, tethering, GPS, accessories,
makes, models, model numbers,
comparisons, general info, history, GSM,
technology, etc.
Even the phrase 'buy cell phone' although
commercial in nature and intent, leaves
the search engine scratching it's noggin
wondering... Ok, what make and model
number? New or used? What carrier?
Retail or wholesale? Local or national?
To convert into a sale, the search needs
to be more specific. Most likely it will
be a long tail phrase. The research will
be over. And the prospect will be in a
buying mood.
For example, if someone is searching for
the phrase 'buy nokia n95 replacement
battery' there's little doubt as to the
commercial nature, or their intent. You
might even want to use that exact phrase
as your page title. :-)
The same holds true for other accessories
and parts. Words like; charger, adapter,
handsfree, handsfree kit, leather case,
antenna, passive repeater, power supply,
wall adapter, etc.
If you combine a make and model number,
along with an accessory, you're pretty
much assured that the searcher knows what
they want. Then, if you add in a couple of
hot 'commercial intent' keywords, and
combine them with that make and model,
you're pretty much assured of making
the sale.
take care,
Need help with your internet marketing?
Want to learn about affiliate marketing,
product creation, or SEO? How about
podcasting, content syndication, or social
media? They're all waiting for you inside
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