Thursday, May 28, 2020

Where should I publish my content for best results?

Hi friends,

On the Bruce Clay Blog, I just posted Where Should I Publish My Content for Best Results?

Should you create great content and put it on someone else's site, or keep the best content on your website?

Some factors that you need to consider if you want to get the maximum results from your time and effort are laid out in this article.

Here you go:

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2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What is an SEO audit? Why should you do one, and how?

Hi friends,

Today on the Bruce Clay Blog, I posted What Is an SEO Audit? Why Do an SEO Audit? And How?

Google recommends an SEO audit as the first step before hiring a prospective SEO.

We find it's usually the best first step toward improving a website's search traffic.

So what is an SEO audit? And how can you do it effectively? This article gives you solid answers and choices.

Here you go:

Best to you,


2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

3 ways to ramp up SEO for less

Hi friends,

Today's post on the Bruce Clay Blog is 3 Ways to Ramp Up Your SEO Program for Less

With staff and budgets decreased, how can you still achieve your marketing goals?

There are three areas I suggest investing in that will help you ramp up your SEO for less.

Here you go:

Best to you,


2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The one thing you need in an SEO agency

Hi friends,

My latest post on the Bruce Clay Blog is The One and Only Thing You Need in an SEO Agency

When SEO gets tricky -- for example, if you're trying to solve a really complex indexing problem, or you're facing uncharted territory (such as COVID-19) -- your in-house team may need an assist.

That's when you call on an agency to help. But make sure they have one essential quality...

Here you go:

Best to you,


2245 First St. #101  Simi Valley, CA 93065  

+1 (805) 517-1900, ext. 7008

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