Tuesday, January 30, 2018

7 Mobile-Friendly Navigation Best Practices from Bruce Clay

Make sure your mobile navigation works for your users AND your SEO.

Hi friends,

On the Bruce Clay Blog this week, I published a mega post: 7 Mobile-Friendly Navigation Best Practices.

Many sites present too many menu choices to a mobile user, which can annoy visitors and cause them to bounce away.

Many other sites streamline their mobile menus to improve UX. But they do it at the expense of passing PageRank needed to make their top pages rank - or at the expense of their smartphone-wielding visitors, who can't find where to go.

We're in a mobile-first world. Make sure your mobile nav works for users and for SEO by following these 7 updated best practices.

Read the full post: http://bit.ly/2rRGGfI

Best to you,

Bruce Clay, Inc.

Let's connect on social!
Bruce Clay, Inc., 2245 First Street, Suite 101, Simi Valley, CA 93065
Sent by bruce@bruceclay.com in collaboration with
Constant Contact

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Bruce Clay's Predictions for Digital Marketing in 2018

Be informed to make the most of your marketing budget this year.

Hi friends,

I've just published one of my most important posts of the year: Bruce Clay's Predictions for Digital Marketing in 2018.

Marketers across the board are facing receding budgets this year, as the C-suite is increasingly unwilling to dole out money without solid proof of results. Connecting the dots of customer journeys, however, is still not easy.

To help you make your budget go further, I've laid out my predictions for mobile first, voice search, content, linking, speed, SEO, ecommerce, machine learning, virtual reality, video and more.

Google and technology keep advancing. I expect a significant "disturbance in the force" when companies that have rested on their brand realize that the search engine's indexed content has changed enough to upset their rankings. Avoid this fate by being ahead of the trends!

Read the full post: http://bit.ly/2EKuVsX

Thanks and best to you for a successful year,

Bruce Clay, Inc.

P.S. Want to take SEO Training? I will travel soon to personally teach 3 classes:
          Jan. 29-Feb. 2 in Simi Valley, California
          Feb. 7-9 in Gurgaon, India
          Feb. 20 in Milan, Italy

I know of no better way to move your SEO strategy light years ahead than to take our in-person, in-depth training. Find out more & register here: 

Let's connect on social!
Bruce Clay, Inc., 2245 First Street, Suite 101, Simi Valley, CA 93065
Sent by bruce@bruceclay.com in collaboration with
Constant Contact

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Are Writers Expected to Do SEO?

Tools that help writers make informed SEO decisions

Hi friends,

There's a new post on the blog that addresses a crucial question for marketers, writers and optimizers: Are Writers Expected to Do SEO?

We're in a time when writers carry a heavy responsibility. They produce the content that marketing engines need to drive sales forward.

In fact, 72% of marketers surveyed said relevant content creation is the most effective SEO tactic. It makes sense, then, that writers should be equipped with tools that help them make informed SEO decisions along the way to making relevant, optimized content. 

The content marketing industry is becoming more data-driven. Writers have adapted by becoming more technically savvy, using tools that provide data to justify why a particular piece of content is needed, as well as tools to show how it's performing after publishing. 

Read about the SEO tools supporting content writers and tell me what you think. Are writers expected to do SEO?

Read the full post: http://bit.ly/2FmC4AJ

Thanks and best,

Bruce Clay, Inc.

Let's connect on social!
Bruce Clay, Inc., 2245 First Street, Suite 101, Simi Valley, CA 93065
Sent by bruce@bruceclay.com in collaboration with
Constant Contact